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The movie I recommend to watch this week is “Me and You and Everyone We Know” from 2005. It is a great and actually really weird indie movie written, directed by and starring Miranda July. You come to love July’s character, Christine Jesperson, a cute little hippy chick that would be fun to drop acid with I probably imagine. The other characters are also very unique, sometimes too much so, which leads to a very entertaining screenplay. I guess you can kind of describe it like a more sophisticated “Juno.”

What the Critics Thought

The best way to describe The Kingdom is very intense. One of the best movies about the Middle East I have seen in a long time. It made me think about the “war on terror” in two new ways. One being from the perspective of the rich and powerful Saudi’s point of view. Second, what it would be like if we treated terrorist attacks more like murders instead of starting a war without an end by using a preventative/preemptive attack approach. It was appearent that the same director that did Friday Night Lights made this film. The soundtrack with Explosions in the Sky and Tim Mcgraw being the most obvious. Also, I was unaware of many women’s dislike of Jennifer Garner until my girlfriend and her friend enthusiastically brought it up to me. If you feel the same way don’t worry about it. I didn’t time how long she was in the movie but it didn’t seem like she was in it as much as the other guys. Enjoy

What the Critics Thought